Headteachers - 'To move job or not to move job?'

Headteachers - 'To move job or not to move job?'

15 May 2014

"But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33

If stepping out of the Deputy Head boat is a challenge, the decision for an existing Headteacher to "jump ship" is undoubtedly harder still. Indeed, existing Heads stand a lot more to lose by throwing their hat in the recruitment ring in the first place. The tradition of informing governors prior to applying elsewhere increases the risk considerably, whilst the ramifications of an unsuccessful application can put off even the most determined of Heads.

So why bother at all? Why risk jeopardising relationships and the potential loss of face if unsuccessful?

I believe it is a matter of striving for fulfilment over comfort.  A matter of elevating God's will for ourselves and schools above our own safety and beyond our own comfort zones. Of trusting that God has a plan for every school and recognising as a Headteacher your part within that plan. Don't get me wrong, often God calls a Headteacher to one particular school to serve for the duration of their career. However, it would also appear that God is not afraid to deviate from that norm and if, as a Christian headteacher you are committed to seeking first his Kingdom and righteousness, neither should you.

Perhaps the greatest privilege and paradox of being the Head of a Church School is that ultimately you are not the "Head" at all- God is! We are all accountable to Him first and foremost. However great the risk involved,  as a Headteacher you must be willing to prayerfully consider whether you are fulfilling all of God's requirements of you in your current role and have achieved all that you can, or whether you would be better placed elsewhere.

At Emmaus we recognise that these are big questions, often requiring tough decisions that ought not to be taken lightly. We appreciate the need to discuss options within a confidential, professional environment and we endeavour  to use our unique position as an advisor to both schools and candidates to bridge the gap between the two.


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