The Christian Headteachers' Summer Reading List
1. "Too busy not to pray"- Bill Hybels
Bill Hybel's book on prayer is a worthwhile read for any Headteacher struggling to find the space to pray amongst the busyness of life. This immensely practical book serves as a challenging reminder that the busier we get, the more we need God and inspires hope of how God responds when His people slow down to pray.
2. Paradoxology - Krish Karandiah
In this wonderfully titled book Paradoxology, Krish Karandiah the President of the London School of Theology and Theological Advisor for Tearfund, draws those unresolved faith questions, faced by all Christians yet buried by most, into the light. Engaging, illuminating and highly readable, Krish rejects overly simplistic answers and instead runs head on into some of the most difficult questions of scripture, life and faith and makes a compelling case that it is only by wrestling with the apparent paradoxes at the heart of Christianity that faith really comes alive. Perfect for anyone who's faith feels nearly shot through with doubt and unresolved questions regarding this "close but distant, kind but fierce and knowable yet perplexing" God of ours!
3. Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster
Widely considered the most important contemporary book on Christian spirituality, Richard Foster's exploration of the "classic disciplines" of the Christian faith (ranging from meditation, prayer and fasting to service, confession and worship), has helped over a million people discover a richer spiritual life "infused with joy, peace and a deeper understanding of God". Why not spend a summer (re)discovering the spiritual disciplines that will help keep you "plugged in" to your life source during the madness of term time?
4. Crazy Love - Francis Chan
Not for the faint hearted, this New York Times bestseller acts as an urgent call to awaken a complacent church to the reality of God's radical, unconditional and self sacrificing love for us. A love to which we typically respond by "going to church, singing songs and trying not to swear". Obviously something has gone wrong. Yet, as the title of the book suggests, Chan argues that the answer to religious complacency is not working harder at a list of do's and don'ts but rather falling in love with God; a God whose love, once experienced, simply cannot leave us unchanged.
5. The Screwtape Letters - C.S Lewis
A great first read for anyone who'd like to venture beyond Narnia into some of Lewis' other classics, The Screwtape Letters makes for a dark and comical book that is both thought-provoking and incredibly insightful. Written as a compilation of instructive letters from one worldly-wise demon to his novice nephew, Lewis' ironic portrayal of human life through the vantage point of a demon is incredibly original and shows Lewis at his "darkest and most playful".
6. Rediscover Catholicism - Matthew Kelly
Business consultant, world renowned speaker and New York Times bestselling author Matthew Kelly has written an extraordinary book that will challenge, encourage and inspire Catholics everywhere on how daily we can become the very best version of ourselves. Both highly accessible and immensely practical, Kelly leads readers on a journey to discover the profound truths that lie at the very heart of the Catholic faith, restoring confidence and hope that the Catholic Church's ancient traditions and teachings are as relevant and needed now as ever.
Liam Dowds is Managing Director at Emmaus Leadership. You can read more of Liam's articles at www.emmausleadership.me. You can follow Emmaus Leadership on Twitter @talentedleaders. Connect with Liam on LinkedIn. If you are looking to recruit a new Headteacher for your school please get in contact on 01737 652 043.