"See I am doing a new thing, now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:19
As Christians, we believe that God is good; the ultimate protector and provider and that His desire is to bless our Church Schools that they might be fruitful.
However, as schools experiencing their third or fourth round of recruitment will testify, that plan is not necessarily a straightforward one, nor is the recruitment process in Church Schools immune to the frustrations and difficulties faced by the secular world.
How then, as the governors of God's Church Schools, can you face such trials in light of your faith in Him? What steps can be taken to prevent your current situation from becoming the subject of playground tittle tattle, but instead an opportunity for improved communication and greater unity between governors, parents, teachers and your local diocese? How can you as a governor use your position to strengthen, grow and build up your school community amidst such confusion and uncertainty?
For God does have a plan for every school and we can take comfort in the promise that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."(Romans 8:28) Yet let there be no mistake about it, as His governors, you have a part to play too. You must ask the difficult questions such as "What is God trying to teach us through this current trial?" and "What good does He want to work in it?" and be willing to act accordingly.
Could it be that your repeated lack of success through traditional recruitment methods are intended to open your eyes to its shortcomings so that you might dare to look elsewhere? After all, despite having a plan for every church school, we can't expect God to do all the work! As His governors, you are His hands and feet in this recruitment process. As such, the responsibility of making your school and opportunity identifiably different and attractive to candidates lies with you, as does the decision to continue with the traditional "DIY" approach or to enlist the help of a professional recruitment service.
Here at Emmaus we are by no means strangers to the difficulties of recruiting, but we have also had the privilege of witnessing firsthand His provision of outstanding Headteachers in the filling of often incredibly challenging posts. Could your school be next?