Flourishing Leadership reflection

Flourishing Leadership reflection

17 July 2023

Sharing words of encouragement with fellow Christian School Leaders is an important part of what do at Emmaus Leadership. 

And so it was such a pleasure to be part of a truly inspirational day at the recent Flourishing Leadership in a Christian Context National Secondary Leaders Network event on 4 July. On display throughout the day's activities and from our speakers was a real sense of Christian Hope in evidence, and it was so affirming to see the CES and National Society (CofE) coming together to jointly host the event, held at the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School in London.

Special thanks to Lorraine Prince, Head of Networks at the Church of England Education Office and Elisabeth Gilpin, NSLN National Consultant for all their hard work putting together an event packed with top class speakers asking challenging questions, yet reminding us of WHY as Christian School Leaders we can and should feel an abiding sense of HOPE …”sustained by the deep promises of God.”  

As Christian school leaders, our hope lies in the promise of God's faithfulness and the transformative power of His Word and presence in our lives. May we continue to be inspired by His example of servant leadership, seeking wisdom and guidance through prayer and scripture. May we seek to humbly embrace our role as stewards of young hearts and minds, shining His light and instilling hope in every student we serve. 

For other NSLN events taking place in the Autumn and into next year see https://cofefoundation.contentfiles.net/media/assets/file/2023-24_NSLN_overview.pdf

The next event taking place is on Thursday 21 September - Flourishing through Accountability with Chris Jones, Director, Strategy & Engagement at Ofsted the main speaker – I highly recommend you put this in your diary, and it would be a pleasure to meet up with you if you can attend this event. 

And a particular shout out for Leaders Like Us – a programme for aspiring senior leaders from UKME/ GMH backgrounds, throughout the country, with the aim of enabling them to progress to headship. It is open to teachers and leaders IN ALL SCHOOLS IN ENGLAND, not just Church of England schools and with the support of the CES as well. Such an important programme to encourage and enable future leaders of ability from all backgrounds to reach their God-given potential. 

May His grace continue to empower, inspire and uplift you. May you find strength in His Word, guidance in His Spirit, and love in His presence. Remember, your work as Christian School Leaders is not in vain; every seed planted, every word spoken matters. Keep shining His light, encouraging hearts, and nurturing souls. You are making an eternal impact. 

All the team at Emmaus hold you in their prayers, in the amazing work you do throughout our country.


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